
Big Data, Cloud Computing, & CDN Emerging Technologies 大数据、云计算和 CDN



课程名称: 大数据、云计算和 CDN 新兴技术 延世大学 Jong-Moon Chung

课程主页: 官网已下架

所在平台: Coursera

课程类别: 计算机科学

大学或机构: 延世大学

讲师: Jong-Moon Chung

授课语言: 英语

提供字幕: 英语

课程文件大小: 502MB


You have most likely heard about Clouds and Big Data before, and already know how significantly important they are and will be in the future. Cloud Computing enables us to easily use software as well as processing platforms and computing infrastructure (that are not equipped on our computers and smartphones) from any location through Internet services. Big Data provides us with new intelligence from massive data sets, which can help in situation/condition/status analysis and decision making. In addition, CDN is the best technology to provide information/contents to Internet users in the quickest and most efficient way. Therefore, the information/software/database/contents from Clouds and Big Data centers can be very effectively supported by CDNs. This is why these lectures are combined together in this course.


These lectures focus on the major features and functionalities of Cloud Computing. The lectures start with first answering the question “What does Cloud Computing do?” and then provide Cloud Computing Application Examples, and then provide description on the Cloud Models IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service), SaaS (Software as a Service), as well as VM (Virtual Machine). Next, the lecture covers Cloud Services based on examples of the Google Cloud, Amazon Cloud, and the iCloud.

本课程属于 Emerging Technologies:From Smartphones to IoT to Big Data Specialization/新兴技术:智能手机、物联网和大数据 专项课程 第2门课程。


Smartphone Emerging Technologies 智能手机新兴技术



课程名称: 智能手机新兴技术 延世大学 Jong-Moon Chung

课程主页: 官网已下架

所在平台: Coursera

课程类别: 计算机科学

大学或机构: 延世大学

讲师: Jong-Moon Chung

授课语言: 英语

提供字幕: 英语

课程文件大小: 371MB


Smartphones are one of the most influential devices that we use in our everyday lives. Smartphones consist of the most advanced hardware and software technologies that exist in the world, all combined together into a miraculous single easy-to-use portable system. These lectures focus on the specifications, hardware modules, and OS (Operating System) iOS & Android that enable smartphones to perform various features and functionalities. Since there are so many smartphone types, in the lectures, three smartphones were selected and compared. The lecture covers the specifications of the Samsung Galaxy S6 edge, LG G4, and the iPhone 6 plus, which are among the most popular recently released smartphones in the world! With this new knowledge on Cellular Networks, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Platform, OS (Operating System), Chipsets, CPU (Central Processing Unit), GPU (Graphics Processing Unit), Display, Location & Navigation system, and new Wireless Charging systems, you will be able to analyze, design, and plan new smartphones for the future.


This specialization covers the concepts of the most important information technologies that you have been using and will be using throughout your entire life! This specialization course is specifically designed for beginners to make it as easy as possible to learn about IT (Information Technology) services, business models, and the most important operations. With the knowledge of this specialization, you will be able to discuss at an expert level with engineers and business professionals on the topics of Cloud Computing (including SaaS, PaaS, IaaS), Big Data (including Hadoop, MapReduce, HDFS), CDN (Content Delivery Network), Smartphone specifications and OSs (Operating Systems) iOS & Android, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Mobile Communication (including LTE and LTE-Advanced), IoT (Internet of Things), AR (Augmented Reality), and Internet technologies (including IPv4, IPv6, TCP, and UDP). Upon completion, you will understand these technologies and how they can work together to provide services to our smartphones, laptops, PCs, and TVs. With this new knowledge you will be able to analyze, design, and plan new IT devices and services for the future.

本课程属于 Emerging Technologies:From Smartphones to IoT to Big Data Specialization/新兴技术:智能手机、物联网和大数据 专项课程 第1门课程。


使用 NodeJS 进行服务器端开发 香港科技大学



课程名称: 使用 NodeJS 进行服务器端开发 香港科技大学

课程主页: 官网已下架

所在平台: Coursera

课程类别: 计算机科学

大学或机构: 香港科技大学

讲师: Prof.Jogesh Muppala K R

授课语言: 英语

提供字幕: 英语

课程文件大小: 1.14GB

课程介绍: 无相关介绍

本课程属于 全栈Web开发专项 第5门课程


使用 Web 技术进行多平台移动 App 开发 香港科技大学



课程名称: 使用 Web 技术进行多平台移动 App 开发 香港科技大学

课程主页: 官网已下架

所在平台: Coursera

课程类别: 计算机科学

大学或机构: 香港科技大学

讲师: Prof.Jogesh Muppala K R

授课语言: 英语

提供字幕: 英语

课程文件大小: 922MB

课程介绍: 无相关介绍

本课程属于 全栈Web开发专项 第4门课程


Front-End JavaScript Frameworks AngularJS 香港科技大学



课程名称: Front-End JavaScript Frameworks AngularJS 香港科技大学

课程主页: 官网已下架

所在平台: Coursera

课程类别: 计算机科学

大学或机构: 香港科技大学

讲师: Prof.Jogesh Muppala K R

授课语言: 英语

提供字幕: 英语

课程文件大小: 1.19GB

课程介绍: 无相关介绍

本课程属于 全栈Web开发专项 第3门课程


前端 Web 界面框架与工具 香港科技大学



课程名称: 前端 Web 界面框架与工具 香港科技大学

课程主页: 官网已下架

所在平台: Coursera

课程类别: 计算机科学

大学或机构: 香港科技大学

讲师: Prof.Jogesh Muppala K R

授课语言: 英语

提供字幕: 英语

课程文件大小: 690MB

课程介绍: 无相关介绍

本课程属于 全栈Web开发专项 第2门课程


HTML、CSS 和 JavaScript 香港科技大学



课程名称: HTML、CSS 和 JavaScript 香港科技大学

课程主页: 官网已下架

所在平台: Coursera

课程类别: 计算机科学

大学或机构: 香港科技大学

讲师: Prof.Jogesh Muppala K R

授课语言: 英语

提供字幕: 英语

课程文件大小: 1.18GB

课程介绍: 无相关介绍

本课程属于 全栈Web开发专项 第1门课程。


软件界面 Software Interface 华盛顿大学 Gaetano Borriello, Luis Ceze



课程名称: 软件界面 Software Interface 华盛顿大学 Gaetano Borriello, Luis Ceze

课程主页: 官网已下架

所在平台: Coursera

课程类别: 计算机科学

大学或机构: 华盛顿大学

讲师: Gaetano Borriello, Luis Ceze

授课语言: 英语

提供字幕: 英语

课程文件大小: 1.10GB

课程介绍: This course examines key computational abstraction levels below modern high-level languages; number representation, assembly language, introduction to C, memory management, the operating-system process model, high-level machine architecture including the memory hierarchy, and how high-level languages are implemented. We will develop students’ sense of “what really happens” when software runs — and that this question can be answered at several levels of abstraction, including the hardware architecture level, the assembly level, the C programming level and the Java programming level. The core around which the course is built is C, assembly, and low-level data representation, but this is connected to higher levels (roughly how basic Java could be implemented), lower levels (the general structure of a processor and the memory hierarchy), and the role of the operating system (but not how the operating system is implemented).


Operating System 操作系统 北京大学 Professor Chen Xiangqun



课程名称: Operating System 操作系统 北京大学 Professor Chen Xiangqun

课程主页: https://www.coursera.org/learn/os-pku

所在平台: Coursera

课程类别: 计算机科学

大学或机构: 北京大学

讲师: Professor Chen Xiangqun

授课语言: 中文

提供字幕: 中文

课程文件大小: 6.16GB

课程介绍: 《操作系统原理》是针对计算机科学技术专业三年级本科生开设的一门专业基础课程。本课程着重学生系统观的培养,通过重点讲述操作系统的内部结构、工作原理及典型技术的实现,使学生建立起对操作系统的整体及各个功能模块的认识,从而系统掌握计算机的专业知识,进一步提升学生的软件开发能力乃至系统软件开发能力。 任何计算机都必须在加载相应的操作系统之后,才能构成一个可以运转的、完整的计算机系统。操作系统的功能是否强大,决定了计算机系统的综合能力;操作系统的性能高低,决定了整个计算机系统的性能;操作系统本身的安全可靠程度,决定了整个计算机系统的安全性和可靠性。操作系统是软件技术的核心和基础运行平台。因此,计算机科学技术专业的学生需要学习和掌握操作系统的基本原理和专业知识。 本课程的教学目标是: 1.掌握操作系统的基本概念、功能组成、系统结构及运行环境; 2.熟悉并运用操作系统工作原理、设计方法和实现技术,理解有代表性、典型的操作系统实例(如UNIX、Linux和Windows); 3.了解操作系统的演化过程、发展研究动向、新技术以及新思想,为后续相关课程的学习打下良好基础,为后续职业发展奠定基石。


Creative Programming for Digital Media & Mobile Apps(数字媒体和移动应用的创意程序设计)



课程名称: Creative Programming for Digital Media & Mobile Apps(数字媒体和移动应用的创意程序设计)

课程主页: https://www.coursera.org/learn/digitalmedia

所在平台: Coursera

课程类别: 计算机科学

大学或机构: 伦敦大学

讲师: Dr Marco Gillies,Dr Matthew Yee-King

授课语言: 英语

提供字幕: 英语

课程文件大小: 1.46GB

课程介绍: This course will teach you how to develop and apply programming skills to creative work. This is an important skill within the development of creative mobile applications, digital music and video games. It will teach technical skills needed to write software that make use of images, audio and graphics, and will concentrate on the application of these skills to creative projects. Additional resources will be provided for students with no programming background.
