
Building an Information Risk Management Toolkit 构建信息风险管理工具



课程名称: Building an Information Risk Management Toolkit 构建信息风险管理工具

课程主页: 官网已下架

所在平台: Coursera

课程类别: 计算机科学

大学或机构: 华盛顿大学

讲师: Dr. Barbara Endicott-Popovsky

授课语言: 英语

提供字幕: 英语

课程文件大小: 1.85GB

课程介绍: In this course, you will explore several structured, risk management approaches that guide information security decision-making. Course topics include: developing and maintaining risk assessments (RA); developing and maintaining risk management plans (RM); regulatory and legal compliance issues affecting risk plans; developing a control framework for mitigating risks; risk transfer; business continuity and disaster recovery planning from the information security perspective.

Consider upgrading to an enhanced, more rigorous version of this course offered online at the University of Washington. You’ll gain access to meaningful interaction with instructors and additional assignments, readings and multimedia material, as well as earn a valuable University of Washington credential.


编译原理 Compilers 斯坦福大学 Alex Aiken



课程名称: 编译原理 Compilers 斯坦福大学 Alex Aiken

课程主页: 官网已下架

所在平台: Coursera

课程类别: 计算机科学

大学或机构: 斯坦福大学

讲师: Alex Aiken

授课语言: 英语

提供字幕: 英语

课程文件大小: 1.15GB


This course will discuss the major ideas used today in the implementation of programming language compilers, including lexical analysis, parsing, syntax-directed translation, abstract syntax trees, types and type checking, intermediate languages, dataflow analysis, program optimization, code generation, and runtime systems. As a result, you will learn how a program written in a high-level language designed for humans is systematically translated into a program written in low-level assembly more suited to machines. Along the way we will also touch on how programming languages are designed, programming language semantics, and why there are so many different kinds of programming languages.

The course lectures will be presented in short videos. To help you master the material, there will be in-lecture questions to answer, quizzes, and two exams: a midterm and a final. There will also be homework in the form of exercises that ask you to show a sequence of logical steps needed to derive a specific result, such as the sequence of steps a type checker would perform to type check a piece of code, or the sequence of steps a parser would perform to parse an input string. This checking technology is the result of ongoing research at Stanford into developing innovative tools for education, and we’re excited to be the first course ever to make it available to students.

An optional course project is to write a complete compiler for COOL, the Classroom Object Oriented Language. COOL has the essential features of a realistic programming language, but is small and simple enough that it can be implemented in a few thousand lines of code. Students who choose to do the project can implement it in either C++ or Java.
I hope you enjoy the course!

Why Study Compilers?

Everything that computers do is the result of some program, and all of the millions of programs in the world are written in one of the many thousands of programming languages that have been developed over the last 60 years. Designing and implementing a programming language turns out to be difficult; some of the best minds in computer science have thought about the problems involved and contributed beautiful and deep results. Learning something about compilers will show you the interplay of theory and practice in computer science, especially how powerful general ideas combined with engineering insight can lead to practical solutions to very hard problems. Knowing how a compiler works will also make you a better programmer and increase your ability to learn new programming languages quickly.


算法导论 麻省理工学院 Charles Leiserson



课程名称: 算法导论 麻省理工学院 Charles Leiserson

课程主页: 官网已下架

所在平台: Coursera

课程类别: 计算机科学

大学或机构: 麻省理工学院

讲师: Charles Leiserson

授课语言: 英语

提供字幕: 中英

课程文件大小: 6.48GB

课程介绍: 无相关介绍


Principles of Reactive Programming 响应式编程的原理



课程名称: Principles of Reactive Programming 响应式编程的原理

课程主页: 官网已下架

所在平台: Coursera

课程类别: 计算机科学

大学或机构: 洛桑联邦理工学院

讲师: Martin Odersky

授课语言: 英语

提供字幕: 英语

课程文件大小: 1.48GB


his is a follow-on for the Coursera class “Principles of Functional Programming in Scala”, which so far had more than 100’000 inscriptions over two iterations of the course, with some of the highest completion rates of any massive open online course worldwide.

The aim of the second course is to teach the principles of reactive programming. Reactive programming is an emerging discipline which combines concurrency and event-based and asynchronous systems. It is essential for writing any kind of web-service or distributed system and is also at the core of many high-performance concurrent systems. Reactive programming can be seen as a natural extension of higher-order functional programming to concurrent systems that deal with distributed state by coordinating and orchestrating asynchronous data streams exchanged by actors.

In this course you will discover key elements for writing reactive programs in a composable way. You will find out how to apply these building blocks in the construction of event-driven systems that are scalable and resilient.

The course is hands on; most units introduce short programs that serve as illustrations of important concepts and invite you to play with them, modifying and improving them. The course is complemented by a series of assignments, which are also programming projects.


Week 1: Review of Principles of Functional Programming: substitution model, for-expressions and how they relate to monads. Introduces a new implementation of for-expressions: random value generators. Shows how this can be used in randomized testing and gives an overview of ScalaCheck, a tool which implements this idea.

Week 2: Functional programming and mutable state. What makes an object mutable? How this impacts the substitution model. Extended example: Digital circuit simulation.

Week 3: Futures. Introduces futures as another monad, with for-expressions as concrete syntax. Shows how futures can be composed to avoid thread blocking. Discusses cross-thread error handling.

Week 4: Reactive stream processing.  Generalizing futures to reactive computations over streams. Stream operators.

Week 5: Actors. Introduces the Actor Model, actors as encapsulated units of consistency, asynchronous message passing, discusses different message delivery semantics (at most once, at least once, exactly once) and eventual consistency.

Week 6: Supervision. Introduces reification of failure, hierarchical failure handling, the Error Kernel pattern, lifecycle monitoring, discusses transient and persistent state.

Week 7: Conversation Patterns. Discusses the management of conversational state between actors and patterns for flow control, routing of messages to pools of actors for resilience or load balancing, acknowledgement of reception to achieve reliable delivery.


Computer Networks 计算机网络



课程名称: Computer Networks 计算机网络

课程主页: 官网已下架

所在平台: Coursera

课程类别: 计算机科学

大学或机构: 华盛顿大学

讲师: David Wetherall

授课语言: 英语

提供字幕: 英语

课程文件大小: 1.78GB


Computer networks from ISPs to WiFi and cellular networks are a key part of the information economy. These networks are the foundation for the Web, and they enable companies such as Google, Facebook and Amazon. This course introduces the fundamental problems of computer networking, from sending bits over wires to running distributed applications. For each problem, we explore the design strategies that have proven valuable in practice. Topics include error detection and correction, multiple-access, bandwidth allocation, routing, internetworking, reliability, quality of service, naming, content delivery, and security. As we cover these topics, you will learn how the internals of the Internet work to support the Web and other networked applications. You will develop a detailed understanding of widely-used networking technologies such as TCP/IP, HTTP, 802.11, Ethernet, and DNS.


  • Introduction, Protocols and Layering
  • Physical and Link layers
  • Retransmissions, Multiple access, Switching
  • Network layer, Internetworking
  • Intra- and Inter-domain Routing
  • Transport layer, Reliability
  • Congestion Control
  • DNS, Web/HTTP, Content Distribution
  • Quality of Service and Real-time Apps
  • Network Security


Algorithms Design and Analysis Part 2 算法设计与分析 第2部分



课程名称: Algorithms Design and Analysis Part 2 算法设计与分析 第2部分

课程主页: 官网已下架

所在平台: Coursera

课程类别: 计算机科学

大学或机构: 斯坦福大学

讲师:  Tim Roughgarden

授课语言: 英语

提供字幕: 英语

课程文件大小: 1.42GB


In this course you will learn several fundamental principles of advanced algorithm design. You’ll learn the greedy algorithm design paradigm, with applications to computing good network backbones (i.e., spanning trees) and good codes for data compression. You’ll learn the tricky yet widely applicable dynamic programming algorithm design paradigm, with applications to routing in the Internet and sequencing genome fragments.  You’ll learn what NP-completeness and the famous “P vs. NP” problem mean for the algorithm designer.  Finally, we’ll study several strategies for dealing with hard (i.e., NP-complete problems), including the design and analysis of heuristics.  Learn how shortest-path algorithms from the 1950s (i.e., pre-ARPANET!) govern the way that your Internet traffic gets routed today; why efficient algorithms are fundamental to modern genomics; and how to make a million bucks in prize money by “just” solving a math problem!


Weeks 1 and 2: The greedy algorithm design paradigm.  Applications to optimal caching and scheduling.  Minimum spanning trees and applications to clustering.  The union-find data structure.  Optimal data compression.

Weeks 3 and 4: The dynamic programming design paradigm.  Applications to the knapsack problem, sequence alignment, shortest-path routing, and optimal search trees.

Weeks 5 and 6: Intractable problems and what to do about them.  NP-completeness and the P vs. NP question.  Solvable special cases. Heuristics with provable performance guarantees.  Local search. Exponential-time algorithms that beat brute-force search.


Algorithms: Design and Analysis, Part 1 算法设计与分析 第1部分



课程名称: Algorithms Design and Analysis Part 1 算法设计与分析 第1部分

课程主页: 官网已下架

所在平台: Coursera

课程类别: 计算机科学

大学或机构: 斯坦福大学

讲师: Tim Roughgarden

授课语言: 英语

提供字幕: 英语

课程文件大小: 1.46GB


In this course you will learn several fundamental principles of algorithm design. You’ll learn the divide-and-conquer design paradigm, with applications to fast sorting, searching, and multiplication. You’ll learn several blazingly fast primitives for computing on graphs, such as how to compute connectivity information and shortest paths. Finally, we’ll study how allowing the computer to “flip coins” can lead to elegant and practical algorithms and data structures. Learn the answers to questions such as: How do data structures like heaps, hash tables, bloom filters, and balanced search trees actually work, anyway? How come QuickSort runs so fast? What can graph algorithms tell us about the structure of the Web and social networks? Did my 3rd-grade teacher explain only a suboptimal algorithm for multiplying two numbers?


Week 1: Introduction.  Asymptotic analysis including big-oh notation.  Divide-and-conquer algorithms for sorting, counting inversions, matrix multiplication, and closest pair.

Week 2: Running time analysis of divide-and-conquer algorithms.  The master method.  Introduction to randomized algorithms, with a probability review.  QuickSort.

Week 3: More on randomized algorithms and probability.  Computing the median in linear time.  A randomized algorithm for the minimum graph cut problem.

Week 4: Graph primitives.  Depth- and breadth-first search.  Connected components in undirected graphs.  Topological sort in directed acyclic graphs.  Strongly connected components in directed graphs.

Week 5: Dijkstra’s shortest-path algorithm.  Introduction to data structures.  Heaps and applications.

Week 6: Further data structures.  Hash tables and applications.  Balanced binary search trees.


Wireless Communication Emerging Technologies 无线通信新兴技术 延世大学 Jong-Moon Chung



课程名称: 无线通信新兴技术 延世大学 Jong-Moon Chung

课程主页: 官网已下架

所在平台: Coursera

课程类别: 计算机科学

大学或机构: 延世大学

讲师: Jong-Moon Chung

授课语言: 英语

提供字幕: 英语

课程文件大小: 404MB


This course covers the services and specifications of the most popular wireless communication technologies used around the world. The most popular wireless communication technologies are mobile communication, WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network), and WPAN (Wireless Personal Area Network), which are all included in smartphones. Among WLAN types Wi-Fi is most popular, and among WPAN types Bluetooth is most popular. Therefore, the lectures in this course cover Wi-Fi and Bluetooth specifications. In addition, the evolution of mobile communication technologies is explained starting from the 1st generation (1G) all the way to the most advanced 4th generation (4G) systems. In addition, further details on the state-of-the-art LTE (Long Term Evolution) and LTE-Advanced 4G mobile communication technologies are presented.


Bluetooth is the most popular WPAN (Wireless Personal Area Network) technology and is used in every smartphone that exists. Bluetooth applied on smartphones is also used with A2DP (Advanced Audio Distribution Profile), aptX, EDR (Enhanced Data Rate), and Bluetooth High Speed (HS), which are covered in the lectures. The lectures explain the Bluetooth evolution which starts from Bluetooth 1.0 and evolves into Bluetooth 2.0+EDR, Bluetooth 3.0+HS, and the current state-of-the-art Bluetooth 4.0 (and 4.0 extensions), which can achieve up to 25 Mbps and includes BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) technology.

本课程属于 Emerging Technologies:From Smartphones to IoT to Big Data Specialization/新兴技术:智能手机、物联网和大数据 专项课程 第5门课程。


IoT (Internet of Things) Wireless & Cloud Computing Emerging Technologies 物联网和增强现实新兴技术



课程名称: 物联网和增强现实新兴技术 延世大学 Jong-Moon Chung

课程主页: 官网已下架

所在平台: Coursera

课程类别: 计算机科学

大学或机构: 延世大学

讲师: Jong-Moon Chung

授课语言: 英语

提供字幕: 英语

课程文件大小: 330MB


IoT (Internet of Things) devices are already abundant, but new products that include IoT modules are now a common trend. Also, almost everything is already connected to a Cloud, and much more will be in the future. Naturally, as this trend continues, in the near future almost all devices and appliances will include IoT modules which will use sensor data collection and control/management based on Clouds. Since we will live in an IoT world supported by Clouds, knowledge of the core technologies and platforms of IoT and Clouds will enable you with the tools to become a true leader in the future product and business world. In this course, the start-of-the-art IoT and wireless networks and Cloud technologies are introduced (for details on 1G to 5G mobile communications and smartphone and smart device technology, please take my course “Smart Device & Mobile Emerging Technologies”). This course ends with projects that teach how to analyze Bluetooth and W-Fi wireless networks and setup and use an EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) Virtual Computer in AWS (Amazon Web Service), which is the most powerful and popular Cloud technology in the world. Comparing to the human body, IoT is the neural network and the Cloud is the brain. Thus, I cordially welcome you into the brain and neural network of the future intelligence world!

IoT(物联网)无线和云计算新兴技术:IoT(物联网)设备已经很丰富,但是包括IoT模块的新产品现在已成为普遍趋势。此外,几乎所有内容都已经连接到云,并且将来还会有更多连接。自然,随着这一趋势的继续,在不久的将来,几乎所有设备和设备都将包括物联网模块,这些模块将使用基于云的传感器数据收集和控制/管理。由于我们将生活在由Clouds支持的IoT世界中,因此有关IoT和Clouds核心技术和平台的知识将使您能够使用这些工具成为未来产品和商业世界的真正领导者。在本课程中,介绍了最先进的物联网和无线网络以及云技术(有关1G至5G移动通信以及智能手机和智能设备技术的详细信息,请参加我的课程“智能设备和移动新兴技术” )。本课程以指导如何分析蓝牙和W-Fi无线网络以及如何在AWS(Amazon Web Service)中设置和使用EC2(弹性计算云)虚拟计算机的项目结束,AWS是世界上功能最强大且最受欢迎的云技术。 。与人体相比,物联网是神经网络,云是大脑。因此,我热诚欢迎您进入未来情报界的大脑和神经网络!


The first module “IoT Business & Products” focuses on the influence of IoT and provides an overview of the trends in North America and the world’s IoT market and industry. The differences in IoT products and services are also described followed by an introduction of the types of leading IoT companies and products, which include Atmel, Android Things, Samsara, ZingBox, and Uber. In addition, IoT services types (i.e., M2M, M2P, P2M, P2P) and their economic impact and the advantages of IoT applications as well as the IoT & M2M ecosystem are introduced.

本课程属于 Emerging Technologies:From Smartphones to IoT to Big Data Specialization/新兴技术:智能手机、物联网和大数据 专项课程 第4门课程。


Internet Emerging Technologies 互联网新兴技术 延世大学 Jong-Moon Chung



课程名称: 互联网新兴技术 延世大学 Jong-Moon Chung

课程主页: 官网已下架

所在平台: Coursera

课程类别: 计算机科学

大学或机构: 延世大学

讲师: Jong-Moon Chung

授课语言: 英语

提供字幕: 英语

课程文件大小: 431MB


Every information service is connected through the Internet. If your work is any bit related to information, there is no excuse, you have to know what the Internet is and how it works! The relation of information and the Internet is equivalent to the blood and blood vessels of our body, which we have been using and will be using every day of our lives. This course will enlighten your understanding of what the Internet is and how it works. IP (Internet Protocol) IPv4 and IPv6 keep the Internet alive by enabling remote computers to communicate through various inter-connected networks through “inter-networking” technology, which is where the name “Internet” came from. TCP and UDP are used by the end devices (e.g., computers, smartphones, servers, clouds) that are communicating to connect applications/services across the Internet. The details of IPv4, IPv6, TCP, UDP, and Internet operations are covered in this course.


The lectures first cover Internet Operations based on an example of using IPv4, TCP, Ethernet, PPP, and Wi-Fi. The lectures then explain the TCP/IP 5 layer model, which includes the layer 5: Application layer, layer 4: Transport layer, layer 3: IP (Internet Protocol) layer, layer 2: Network Access layer, and layer 1: Physical layer.

本课程属于 Emerging Technologies:From Smartphones to IoT to Big Data Specialization/新兴技术:智能手机、物联网和大数据 专项课程 第3门课程。

