Python for Everybody Specialization/零基础 Python 入门 专项课程(详情)
1、Programming for Everybody-大家的编程(开始学习python) (详情)
2、Python Data Structures-Python 数据结构 (详情)
3、Using Python to Access Web Data-使用 Python 访问网络数据 (详情)
4、Using Databases with Python-Python 数据库开发 (详情)
5、Capstone-Retrieving, Processing, and Visualizing Data with Python(详情)
Applied Data Science with Python Specialization/借助 Python 应用数据科学 专项课程(详情)
1、Introduction to Data Science in Python(详情)
2、Applied Plotting, Charting & Data Representation in Python(详情)
3、Applied Machine Learning in Python(详情)
4、Applied Text Mining in Python(详情)
5、Applied Social Network Analysis in Python(详情)
Fundamentals of Computing Specialization/计算机基础专项课程(详情)
1、An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python (Part 1)(详情)
2、An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python (Part 2)(详情)
3、Principles of Computing (Part 1)(详情)
4、Principles of Computing (Part 2)(详情)
5、Algorithmic Thinking (Part 1)(详情)
6、Algorithmic Thinking (Part 2)(详情)
Software Product Management Specialization/软件产品管理专项课程(详情)
1、Introduction to Software Product Management /软件产品管理导论(详情)
2、Software Processes and Agile Practices /软件开发过程与敏捷开发实践(详情)
3、Client Needs and Software Requirements /客户要求与软件需求(详情)
4、Agile Planning for Software Products /软件产品的敏捷规划(详情)
5、Reviews & Metrics for Software Improvements /软件进步的评价与指标(详情)
6、Software Product Management Capstone /软件产品管理毕业项目(详情)
Functional Programming in Scala Specialization/ 专项课程(详情)
1、Functional Programming Principles in Scala-Scala 函数式程序设计原理(详情)
2、Functional Program Design in Scala(详情)
3、Parallel programming 并行编程(详情)
4、Big Data Analysis with Scala and Spark(详情)
5、Functional Programming in Scala Capstone(详情)
Interaction Design Specialization/交互设计专项课程(详情)
1、Human-Centered Design: an Introduction/以人为本的设计:概述(详情)
2、Design Principles: an Introduction/设计原则导论(详情)
3、Social Computing /社交计算(详情)
4、Input and Interaction /输入与互动(详情)
5、User Experience: Research & Prototyping/用户体验:研究与原型(详情)
6、Information Design /信息设计(详情)
7、Designing, Running, and Analyzing Experiments /设计,运行和实验分析(详情)
Graphic Design Specialization/平面设计专项课程 (详情)
1、Fundamentals of Graphic Design(详情)
2、Introduction to Typography(详情)
3、Introduction to Imagemaking(详情)
4、History of Graphic Design(详情)
Java Programming and Software Engineering Fundamentals Specialization/专项课程(详情)
1、Programming Foundations with JavaScript, HTML and CSS(详情)
2、Java Programming: Solving Problems with Software(详情)
3、Java Programming: Arrays Lists and Structured Data(详情)
4、Java Programming: Principles of Software Design(详情)
Data Structures and Algorithms Specialization/数据结构与算法 专项课程(详情)
1、Algorithmic Toolbox(详情)
2、Data Structures/数据结构(详情)
3、Algorithms on Graphs(详情)
4、Algorithms on Strings/字符串算法(详情)
5、Advanced Algorithms and Complexity(详情)
6、Genome Assembly Programming Challenge(详情)
程序设计与算法 Specialization/程序设计与算法 专项课程(详情)
Responsive Website Development and Design Specialization/响应式网站开发与设计 专项课程(详情)
1、响应式网站基础:HTML、CSS 与 JavaScript(详情)
2、响应式 Web 设计(详情)
3、Meteor.js 开发入门 meteor-development(详情)
4、使用 Javascript 和 MongoDB 开发 Web 应用(详情)
全栈Web开发专项课程 (详情)
1、HTML、CSS 和 JavaScript(详情)
2、前端 Web 界面框架与工具(详情)
3、Front-End JavaScript Frameworks AngularJS(详情)
4、使用 Web 技术进行多平台移动 App 开发(详情)
5、使用 NodeJS 进行服务器端开发(详情)
Ruby on Rails Web Development 专项课程(详情)
1、Ruby on Rails:概述(详情)
2、Rails 的 Active Record 与 Action Pack(详情)
3、Ruby on Rails Web Service 及其与 MongoDB 的整合(详情)
4、HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers(详情)
5、使用 AngularJS 创建单页应用(详情)
Web Design for Everybody 零基础 Web 设计(Web 开发和编程基础)专项课程(详情)
1、Introduction to HTML5/HTML5 入门 (详情)
2、Introduction to CSS3(详情)
3、Interactivity with JavaScript/使用 JavaScript 实现交互功能(详情)
4、Advanced Styling with Responsive Design/使用高级样式范例进行响应式设计(详情)
Game Design and Development Specialization/游戏设计和开发 专项课程(详情)
1、Introduction to Game Development /游戏开发导论(详情)
2、Principles of Game Design /游戏设计原理(详情)
3、Business of Games and Entrepreneurship /商业游戏与创业(详情)
4、Game Development for Modern Platforms /现代平台上的游戏开发(详情)
Introduction to Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Specialization/专项课程(详情)
1、Mathematical Thinking in Computer Science(详情)
2、Combinatorics and Probability(详情)
3、Introduction to Graph Theory(详情)
4、Number Theory and Cryptography(详情)
5、Delivery Problem(详情)
iOS App Development with Swift Specialization/使用 Swift 进行 iOS App 开发 专项课程(详情)
1、Swift 程序设计入门(详情)
2、iOS App 开发基础(详情)
3、App Design and Development for iOS(详情)
Desenvolvimento e Design de Aplicativos para iPhone Specialization/iPhone 应用程序设计与开发 专项课程(详情)
1、如何开发 iPhone App(详情)
2、如何为不同屏幕尺寸的 iPhone 和 iPad 开发应用(详情)
3、Como aprimorar e monetizar seu aplicativo para iOS e Apple Watch(详情)
4、如何在 iPhone 和 iPad 开发 2D 游戏(详情)
An Introduction to Programming the Internet of Things (IOT) Specialization/物联网(IOT)程序设计入门 专项课程(详情)
1、Introduction to the Internet of Things and Embedded Systems/物联网与嵌入式系统概论(详情)
2、The Arduino Platform and C Programming/Arduino 平台开发和 C 编程(详情)
3、Arduino 接口(详情)
4、树莓派(Raspberry Pi)平台及其 Python 程序设计(详情)
5、树莓派(Raspberry Pi)接口(详情)
Object Oriented Java Programming: Data Structures and Beyond Specialization/专项课程(详情)
1、Object Oriented Programming in Java/面向对象 Java 程序设计(详情)
2、Data Structures and Performance(详情)
3、Advanced data structures/Java 高级数据结构(详情)
4、Mastering the Software Engineering Interview(详情)
Cybersecurity Specialization/Cybersecurity 专项课程 (详情)
1、Usable Security 实用安全(详情)
2、Software Security(详情)
4、Hardware Security 硬件安全(详情)
网络游戏设计与开发 Specialization /专项课程(详情)
Algorithms Specialization /算法 专项课程(详情)
1、Divide and Conquer, Sorting and Searching, and Randomized Algorithms(详情)
2、Graph Search, Shortest Paths, and Data Structures(详情)
3、Greedy Algorithms, Minimum Spanning Trees, and Dynamic Programming(详情)
4、Shortest Paths Revisited, NP-Complete Problems and What To Do About Them(详情)
C# Programming for Unity Game Development Specialization /专项课程(详情)
1、Introduction to C# Programming and Unity(详情)
2、More C# Programming and Unity(详情)
3、Intermediate Object-Oriented Programming for Unity Games(详情)
4、Data Structures and Design Patterns for Game Developers(详情)
5、C# Programming for Unity Game Development Capstone Project(详情)
Cisco Networking Basics Specialization /专项课程(详情)
1、Internet Connection:How to Get Online(详情)
2、Network Protocols and Architecture(详情)
3、Data Communications and Network Services(详情)
4、Home Networking Basics(详情)
5、Introduction to Cisco Networking(详情)
Emerging Technologies:From Smartphones to IoT to Big Data Specialization/新兴技术:智能手机、物联网和大数据 专项课程(详情)
2、大数据、云计算和 CDN 新兴技术(详情)
Google IT Support Professional Certificate Google IT/Google IT 支持 专项课程证书(详情)
1、Technical Support Fundamentals(详情)
2、The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking(详情)
3、Operating Systems and You:Becoming a Power User(详情)
4、System Administration and IT Infrastructure Services(详情)
5、IT Automation:It’s not that scary!(详情)
6、IT Security:Defense against the digital dark arts(详情)
Virtual Reality Specialization/虚拟现实 专项课程(详情)
1、Introduction to Virtual Reality(详情)
2、3D Models for Virtual Reality(详情)
3、3D Interaction Design in Virtual Reality(详情)
4、Building Interactive 3D Characters and Social VR(详情)
5、Making Your First Virtual Reality Game(详情)
Web Applications for Everybody Specialization /专项课程(详情)
1、Building Web Applications in PHP(详情)
2、Introduction to Structured Query Language (SQL)(详情)
3、Building Database Applications in PHP(详情)
4、JavaScript, jQuery, and JSON(详情)
Parallel, Concurrent, and Distributed Programming in Java 专项课程(详情)
1、Parallel Programming in Java(详情)
2、Concurrent Programming in Java(详情)
3、Distributed Programming in Java(详情)
Software Design and Architecture Specialization /专项课程(详情)
1、Object-Oriented Design(详情)
2、Design Patterns(详情)
3、Software Architecture(详情)
4、Service-Oriented Architecture(详情)
User Interface Design Specialization/用户界面设计 专项课程(详情)
1、Introduction to UI Design(详情)
2、User Research and Design(详情)
3、Prototyping and Design(详情)
4、Evaluating User Interfaces(详情)
.Net平台下的软件开发技术 Specialization /专项课程(详情)
4、SQL Server数据库技术(详情)
Blockchain Specialization /专项课程(详情)
1、Blockchain Basics(详情)
2、Smart Contracts(详情)
3、Decentralized Applications (Dapps)(详情)
4、Blockchain Platforms(详情)
Data Warehousing for Business Intelligence Specialization/面向商业智能的数据仓库 专项课程(详情)
3、Relational Database Support for Data Warehouses(详情)
Excel/VBA for Creative Problem Solving Specialization /专项课程(详情)
1、Excel/VBA for Creative Problem Solving, Part 1(详情)
2、Excel/VBA for Creative Problem Solving, Part 2(详情)
3、Excel/VBA for Creative Problem Solving, Part 3 (Projects)(详情)
Introduction to Scripting in Python Specialization /专项课程(详情)
1、Python Programming Essentials(详情)
2、Python Data Representations(详情)
3、Python Data Analysis(详情)
4、Python Data Visualization(详情)
Full-Stack Web Development with React Specialization /专项课程(详情)
1、Front-End Web UI Frameworks and Tools:Bootstrap 4(详情)
2、Front-End Web Development with React(详情)
3、Multiplatform Mobile App Development with React Native(详情)
4、Server-side Development with NodeJS, Express and MongoDB(详情)
Introduction to Programming in C 专项课程(详情)
1、Programming Fundamentals(详情)
2、Writing, Running, and Fixing Code in C(详情)
3、Pointers, Arrays, and Recursion(详情)
4、Interacting with the System and Managing Memory(详情)
Fundamentals of Computer Network Security Specialization /专项课程(详情)
1、Design and Analyze Secure Networked Systems(详情)
2、Basic Cryptography and Programming with Crypto API(详情)
3、Hacking and Patching(详情)
4、Secure Networked System with Firewall and IDS(详情)
Object Oriented Programming in Java Specialization/面向对象 Java 程序设计 专项课程(详情)
1、Java 程序设计:使用软件解题(详情)
2、Java Programming:Arrays, Lists, and Structured Data(详情)
3、面向对象 Java 程序设计(详情)
4、Data structures:Measuring and Optimizing Performance(详情)
Introduction to Cyber Security Specialization /专项课程(详情)
1、Introduction to Cyber Attacks(详情)
2、Cyber Attack Countermeasures(详情)
3、Real-Time Cyber Threat Detection and Mitigation(详情)
4、Enterprise and Infrastructure Security(详情)
Unity XR: How to Build AR and VR Apps Specialization /专项课程(详情)
1、Introduction to XR VR, AR,and MR Foundations(详情)
2、Mobile VR App Development with Unity(详情)
3、Handheld AR App Development with Unity(详情)
Architecting with Google Compute Engine Specialization /专项课程(详情)
1、Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals:Core Infrastructure(详情)
2、Essential Cloud Infrastructure:Foundation(详情)
3、Essential Cloud Infrastructure:Core Services(详情)
4、Elastic Cloud Infrastructure:Scaling and Automation(详情)
5、Elastic Cloud Infrastructure:Containers and Services(详情)
6、Reliable Cloud Infrastructure:Design and Process(详情)
Data Engineering, Big Data, and Machine Learning on GCP Specialization /专项课程(详情)
1、Google Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals(详情)
2、Leveraging Unstructured Data with Cloud Dataproc on Google Cloud Platform(详情)
3、Serverless Data Analysis with Google BigQuery and Cloud Dataflow(详情)
4、Serverless Machine Learning with Tensorflow on Google Cloud Platform(详情)
5、Building Resilient Streaming Systems on Google Cloud Platform(详情)
Unity Expert Gameplay Programmer Certification Preparation Specialization /专项课程(详情)
1、Rapid Gameplay Prototyping(详情)
2、Programming for Level Design(详情)
3、NPC Programming(详情)
4、Performance Optimization in Unity(详情)
5、Unity Services Implementation(详情)
Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Specialization /专项课程(详情)
1、Introduction to Computer Programming(详情)
2、How Computers Work(详情)
3、Mathematics for Computer Science(详情)
Open Source Software Development, Linux and Git Specialization /专项课程(详情)
1、Open Source Software Development Methods(详情)
2、Linux for Developers(详情)
3、Linux Tools for Developers(详情)
4、Using Git for Distributed Development(详情)
Python 3 Programming Specialization /专项课程(详情)
1、Python Basics(详情)
2、Python Functions, Files, and Dictionaries(详情)
3、Data Collection and Processing with Python(详情)
4、Python Classes and Inheritance(详情)
5、Python Project: pillow, tesseract, and opencv(详情)
Agile development Specialization /敏捷开发 专项课程(详情)
1、Agile Meets Design Thinking(详情)
2、Running Product Design Sprints(详情)
3、Managing an Agile Team(详情)
4、Hypothesis-Driven Development(详情)
5、Agile Development in Practice (Project-centered Course)(详情)
Unity Certified Programmer Exam Preparation Specialization /专项课程(详情)
1、Core Interaction Programming(详情)
2、Application Systems Programming(详情)
3、3D Interactions and Navigation(详情)
4、3D Art and Audio Pipeline(详情)
User Experience Research and Design Specialization /用户体验研究与设计 专项课程(详情)
1、Introduction to User Experience Principles and Processes(详情)
2、Understanding User Needs(详情)
3、Evaluating Designs with Users(详情)
4、UX Design: From Concept to Prototype(详情)
5、UX Research at Scale: Surveys, Analytics, Online Testing(详情)
6、UX (User Experience) Capstone(详情)
Computer Vision Specialization /计算机视觉 专项课程(详情)
1、Computer Vision Basics(详情)
2、Image Processing, Features & Segmentation(详情)
3、Stereo Vision, Dense Motion & Tracking(详情)
4、Visual Recognition & Understanding(详情)
Information Systems Specialization /专项课程(详情)
1、IS/IT Governance(详情)
2、Analysis for Business Systems(详情)
3、Enterprise Systems(详情)
4、IT Infrastructure and Emerging Trends(详情)
Security in Google Cloud Platform Specialization /专项课程(详情)
1、Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure(详情)
2、Managing Security in Google Cloud Platform(详情)
3、Security Best Practices in Google Cloud(详情)
4、Mitigating Security Vulnerabilities on Google Cloud Platform(详情)
Unity Certified 3D Artist Specialization/Unity Certified 3D Artist 专项课程(详情)
1、Asset Creation and Management(详情)
2、Lighting, Reflection, and Post Processing Effects(详情)
3、Integrating Scripts for Scene Interactions(详情)
4、Character Setup and Animation(详情)
5、Creating Cutscenes in Unity(详情)
Accelerated Computer Science Fundamentals 专项课程(详情)
1、Object-Oriented Data Structures in C++(详情)
2、Ordered Data Structures(详情)
3、Unordered Data Structures(详情)
IBM Microservices 专项课程(详情)
1、Microservices – Fundamentals(详情)
2、Developing and Deploying Microservices with Microclimate(详情)
3、IBM Cloud: Deploying Microservices with Kubernetes(详情)
4、IBM Cloud Private: Deploying Microservices with Kubernetes(详情)
Introduction to Applied Cryptography 专项课程(详情)
1、Classical Cryptosystems and Core Concepts(详情)
2、Mathematical Foundations for Cryptography(详情)
3、Symmetric Cryptography(详情)
4、Asymmetric Cryptography and Key Management(详情)
Programming with Google Go 专项课程(详情)
1、Getting Started with Go(详情)
2、Functions, Methods, and Interfaces in Go(详情)
3、Concurrency in Go(详情)
Applied Cryptography Specialization /应用密码学 专项课程(详情)
1、Cryptography and Information Theory(详情)
2、Symmetric Cryptography(详情)
3、Asymmetric Cryptography and Key Management(详情)
4、Cryptographic Hash and Integrity Protection(详情)
IT Fundamentals for Cybersecurity Specialization / 专项课程(详情)
1、Introduction to Cybersecurity Tools & Cyber Attacks(详情)
2、Cybersecurity Roles, Processes & Operating System Security(详情)
3、Cybersecurity Compliance Framework & System Administration(详情)
4、Network Security & Database Vulnerabilities(详情)
Self-Driving Cars Specialization /自动驾驶汽车 专项课程(详情)
1、Introduction to Self Driving Cars(详情)
2、State Estimation and Localization for Self-Driving Cars(详情)
3、Visual Perception for Self-Driving Cars(详情)
4、Motion Planning for Self-Driving Cars(详情)
Data Engineering with Google Cloud Certificate/专业证书(详情)
1、Google Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals(详情)
2、Modernizing Data Lakes and Data Warehouses with GCP(详情)
3、Building Batch Data Pipelines on GCP(详情)
4、Building Resilient Streaming Analytics Systems on GCP(详情)
5、Smart Analytics, Machine Learning, and AI on GCP(详情)
6、Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam(详情)
Cloud Architecture with Google Cloud Certificate/专业证书(详情)
1、Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure(详情)
2、Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation(详情)
3、Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Core Services(详情)
4、Elastic Cloud Infrastructure: Scaling and Automation(详情)
5、Reliable Cloud Infrastructure: Design and Process(详情)
6、Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect Exam(详情)
Networking in Google Cloud Specialization/专项课程(详情)
1、Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure(详情)
2、Networking in Google Cloud: Defining and Implementing Networks(详情)
3、Networking in Google Cloud: Hybrid Connectivity and Network Management(详情)
Cloud Engineering with Google Cloud Certificate/专业证书(详情)
1、Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure(详情)
2、Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation(详情)
3、Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Core Services(详情)
4、Elastic Cloud Infrastructure: Scaling and Automation(详情)
5、Preparing for the Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer Exam(详情)
Developing Applications with Google Cloud Platform Specialization/专项课程(详情)
1、Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure(详情)
2、Getting Started With Application Development(详情)
3、Securing and Integrating Components of your Application(详情)
4、App Deployment, Debugging, and Performance(详情)
TensorFlow: Data and Deployment Specialization/专项课程(详情)
1、Browser-based Models with TensorFlow.js(详情)
2、Device-based Models with TensorFlow Lite(详情)
3、Data Pipelines with TensorFlow Data Services(详情)
4、Advanced Deployment Scenarios with TensorFlow(详情)
Google IT Automation with Python Professional Certificate/专业证书(详情)
1、Crash Course on Python(详情)
2、Using Python to Interact with the Operating System(详情)
3、Introduction to Git and GitHub(详情)
4、Troubleshooting and Debugging Techniques(详情)
5、Configuration Management and the Cloud(详情)
AWS Fundamentals Specialization/AWS Fundamentals 专项课程(详情)
1、AWS Fundamentals: Going Cloud-Native(详情)
2、AWS Fundamentals: Addressing Security Risk(详情)
3、AWS Fundamentals: Migrating to the Cloud(详情)
4、AWS Fundamentals: Building Serverless Applications(详情)
Palo Alto Networks Cybersecurity Specialization/专项课程(详情)
1、Palo Alto Networks Academy Cybersecurity Foundation(详情)
2、Palo Alto Networks Cybersecurity Gateway I(详情)
3、Palo Alto Networks Cybersecurity Gateway II(详情)
4、Palo Alto Networks Cybersecurity Essentials I(详情)
5、Palo Alto Networks Cybersecurity Essentials II(详情)
Blockchain Revolution in Financial Services Specialization/专项课程(详情)
1、Introduction to Blockchain for Financial Services(详情)
2、Blockchain, Cryptoassets, and Decentralized Finance(详情)
3、Blockchain Transformations of Financial Services(详情)
4、Blockchain in Financial Services: Strategic Action Plan(详情)
Digital Product Management Specialization/专项课程(详情)
1、Digital Product Management: Modern Fundamentals(详情)
2、Agile Meets Design Thinking(详情)
3、Hypothesis-Driven Development(详情)
4、Agile Analytics(详情)
5、Managing an Agile Team(详情)
Agile development Specialization/敏捷开发 专项课程(新版)(详情)
1、Agile Meets Design Thinking(详情)
2、Hypothesis-Driven Development(详情)
3、Agile Analytics(详情)
4、Managing an Agile Team(详情)
SRE and DevOps Engineer with Google Cloud Professional Certificate/通过 Google 云端平台开启 SRE 和运维开发工程师之旅 专业证书(详情)
1、Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure(详情)
2、Developing a Google SRE Culture(详情)
3、Reliable Google Cloud Infrastructure: Design and Process(详情)
4、Logging, Monitoring and Observability in Google Cloud(详情)
5、Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine(详情)
IBM Cybersecurity Analyst Professional Certificate/专业证书(详情)
1、Introduction to Cybersecurity Tools & Cyber Attacks(详情)
2、Cybersecurity Roles, Processes & Operating System Security(详情)
3、Cybersecurity Compliance Framework & System Administration(详情)
4、Network Security & Database Vulnerabilities(详情)
5、Penetration Testing, Incident Response and Forensics(详情)
6、Cyber Threat Intelligence(详情)
7、Cybersecurity Capstone: Breach Response Case Studies(详情)
Security Analyst Fundamentals Specialization/专项课程(详情)
1、Penetration Testing, Incident Response and Forensics(详情)
2、Cyber Threat Intelligence(详情)
3、Cybersecurity Capstone: Breach Response Case Studies(详情)
Full Stack Web and Multiplatform Mobile App Development Specialization/专项课程(详情)
1、Front-End Web UI Frameworks and Tools: Bootstrap 4(详情)
2、Front-End JavaScript Frameworks: Angular(详情)
3、Multiplatform Mobile App Development with Web Technologies: Ionic and Cordova(详情)
4、Multiplatform Mobile App Development with NativeScript(详情)
Swift 5 iOS Application Developer Specialization/专项课程(详情)
1、Introduction to Programming in Swift 5(详情)
2、Introduction to iOS App Development with Swift 5(详情)
3、Tables, Data & Networking in iOS(详情)
4、iOS App Store & In-App Purchases(详情)
iOS Development for Creative Entrepreneurs Specialization/面向创意企业家的 iOS 开发 专项课程(详情)
1、Foundations of Objective-C App Development Objective-C App 开发基础(详情)
2、Networking and Security in iOS Applications iOS 应用的网络与安全(详情)
3、Best Practices for iOS User Interface Design iOS 用户界面设计最佳实践(详情)
4、Games, Sensors and Media 游戏、传感器与媒体(详情)
5、Toward the Future of iOS Development with Swift 使用 Swift 进行 iOS 开发(详情)
Development of Secure Embedded Systems Specialization/专项课程(详情)
1、Embedded Hardware and Operating Systems(详情)
2、Web Connectivity and Security in Embedded Systems(详情)
3、Development of Real-Time Systems(详情)
4、Capstone: Autonomous Runway Detection for IoT(详情)
Cybersecurity: Developing a Program for Your Business Specialization/专项课程(详情)
1、Cybersecurity and Mobility(详情)
2、Cybersecurity and the Internet of Things(详情)
3、Cybersecurity and the X-Factor(详情)
Developing Industrial Internet of Things Specialization/专项课程(详情)
1、Industrial IoT Markets and Security(详情)
2、Project Planning and Machine Learning(详情)
3、Modeling and Debugging Embedded Systems(详情)
MATLAB Programming for Engineers and Scientists Specialization/专项课程(详情)
1、Introduction to Programming with MATLAB/MATLAB 程序设计入门(详情)
2、Mastering Programming with MATLAB(详情)
3、Introduction to Data, Signal, and Image Analysis with MATLAB(详情)
- Version Control with Git(详情)
- 程序设计语言(详情)
- 软件工程(详情)
- Blockchain: Foundations and Use Cases(详情)
- Networks Friends, Money, and Bytes/网络:朋友、金钱和比特(详情)
- Programming Languages, Part B(详情)
- Programming Languages, Part C(详情)
- Image and Video Processing: From Mars to Hollywood with a Stop at the Hospital(详情)
- Interactive Computer Graphics/交互式计算机图形学(详情)
- Introduction to Programming with MATLAB/MATLAB 程序设计入门(详情)
- Algorithms Part 1/算法第一部分(详情)
- Algorithms Part 2/算法第二部分(详情)
- Algorithms: Design and Analysis Part 1 算法设计与分析 第1部分(详情)
- Computer Networks/计算机网络(详情)
- Software Defined Networking 软件定义网络(详情)
- Networks Illustrated: Principles without Calculus/网络运作:无需微积分的原理简介(详情)
- Web Application Development: Basic Concepts(详情)
- Operating Systems/操作系统原理(详情)
- Principles of Reactive Programming/响应式编程的原理(详情)
- 计算机操作系统(详情)
- Computer Organization/计算机组成 (详情)
- 算法导论(详情)
- 面向对象技术高级课程/The Advanced Object Oriented Technology(详情)
- Computer Architecture/计算机体系结构(详情)
- 软件测试/Software Testing(详情)
- 编译原理/Compilers(详情)
- Building an Information Risk Management Toolkit/构建信息风险管理工具(详情)
- 操作系统与虚拟化安全(详情)
- Software Security/软件安全(详情)
- 密码学(详情)
- Designing and Executing Information Security(详情)
- 自动机理论/automata(详情)
- Probabilistic Graphical Models/概率图模型(详情)
- 人工智慧/Artificial Intelligence(详情)
- 人工智能规划(详情)
- Java程序设计(详情)
- Digital Systems:From Logic Gates to Processors(详情)
- Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies/比特币和数字货币技术(详情)
- Cryptography I/密码学1(详情)
- IBM Blockchain Foundation for Developers(详情)
- VLSI CAD Part I: Logic(详情)
- VLSI CAD Part II: Layout(详情)
- 程序语言设计(详情)
- 计算机系统基础(一) :程序的表示、转换与链接(详情)
- Introduction to User Experience Design(详情)
- Build a Modern Computer from First Principles: Nand to Tetris Part II (project-centered course)(详情)
- 依据基本原理构建现代计算机:从与非门到俄罗斯方块(基于项目的课程)(详情)
- Approximation Algorithms Part I(详情)
- Approximation Algorithms Part II(详情)
- C#程序设计(详情)
- Discrete Optimization/离散优化(详情)
- Mobile VR App Development with Unity(详情)
- 自己编码!程序设计入门(详情)
- Requirements Gathering for Secure Software Development(详情)
- Software Design as an Element of the Software Development Lifecycle(详情)
- Computer Science: Algorithms, Theory, and Machines(详情)
- Fundamentals of Network Communication(详情)
- Introduction to TensorFlow for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning(详情)
- Site Reliability Engineering: Measuring and Managing Reliability(详情)
- The Introduction to Quantum Computing(详情)
- Audio Signal Processing for Music Applications(详情)
- Information Visualization: Programming with D3.js(详情)
- Creative Programming for Digital Media & Mobile Apps(详情)
- Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 2/算法设计与分析 第2部分(详情)
- Operating System/操作系统(详情)
- 软件界面 Software Interface(详情)
- Computational Thinking for Problem Solving(详情)
- Computer Science: Programming with a Purpose(详情)
- 計算機程式設計 (Computer Programming)(详情)
- Introduction to numerical analysis(详情)
- Fundamentals of Parallelism on Intel Architecture(详情)
- Building Cloud Services with the Java Spring Framework(详情)
- Everyday Excel, Part 1(详情)
- 人工智慧:搜尋方法與邏輯推論 (Artificial Intelligence – Search & Logic)(详情)
- 离散优化建模基础篇 Basic Modeling for Discrete Optimization(详情)
- 离散优化建模高阶篇 Advanced Modeling for Discrete Optimization(详情)
- 离散优化算法篇 Solving Algorithms for Discrete Optimization(详情)
- Basic Modeling for Discrete Optimization(详情)
- Advanced Modeling for Discrete Optimization(详情)
- Solving Algorithms for Discrete Optimization(详情)
- Introduction to Web Development(详情)
- 用 Python 做商管程式設計(一)(Programming for Business Computing in Python (1))(详情)
- Introduction to Architecting Smart IoT Devices(详情)
- Software Architecture for the Internet of Things(详情)
- Architecting Smart IoT Devices(详情)