课程名称: 谈判概论:如何成为一名既有原则,又有说服力的谈判者/耶鲁大学
课程主页: https://www.coursera.org/learn/negotiation
所在平台: Coursera
课程类别: 个人发展 Personal Development
大学或机构: 耶鲁大学
讲师: Barry Nalebuff
授课语言: 英语
提供字幕: 英文
课程文件大小: 2.79GB
课程介绍: 谈判简介:成为有原则和说服力的谈判者的战略工具书:本课程将帮助您成为更好的谈判者。与许多谈判课程不同,我们开发了一个分析和制定谈判框架。这个框架将允许您提出有说服力的论据,以说服他人。它将使您看到明显冲突的表面,以发现潜在的利益。您将使课程更好地预测,解释和塑造您在竞争中面临的行为。 在本课程中,您将有机会根据商业和生活中的常见情况,通过案例研究与其他学生进行谈判。您可以获取有关您的绩效的反馈,并将您的工作与其他人如何处理相同的情况进行比较。这些案例还提供了一个讨论广泛主题的环境,包括准备进行谈判,做出最后通,、避免后悔,扩大派以及与对世界有不同看法的人打交道。高级主题包括在您无权时进行谈判,通过电子邮件进行谈判以及性别差异在谈判中的作用。要结束本课程,我们将听取三位谈判专家的见解:Linda Babcock,Herb Cohen和John McCall MacBain。请享用。
I’ve promised that this course will help you be a better, smarter, more strategic negotiator. To do that, we begin by laying a foundation for negotiation, a theory of the “pie.” Over the years, I’ve discovered even the most experienced negotiators tend to lack a framework that grounds their approach to negotiation. While some folks try to bully their way to a larger share, most people make arguments that sound fair to them. But what sounds fair to them often doesn’t sound fair to the other side. Their criteria for what’s fair may be biased in their favor. The theory of the pie is useful because it doesn’t depend on which side you are taking. It provides principles that will change the way you approach negotiations—in this course and in life. It will allow you to make arguments that persuade others. That’s why I am teaching you about it first.