课程名称: Introduction to Astronomy/天文学介绍/杜克大学
课程主页: 官网已下架
所在平台: Coursera
课程类别: 物理工程 Physical Science and Engineering
大学或机构: 杜克大学
讲师: Ronen Plesser
授课语言: 英语
提供字幕: 英文
课程文件大小: 791MB
课程介绍: In this class, we will be studying, quite literally, everything in the universe. We will start with classical astronomy, describing the night sky and organizing what we see as was done in ancient times. We will then embark on a journey, starting here on Earth and progressing outward, to study the Solar system, the Milky Way galaxy, and the wonderful and strange objects we observe in deep space, such as black holes, quasars, and supernovae. We will end with some discussion of what scientists know today about the universe as a whole. Along the way we will introduce some of the methods, theoretical and experimental, that have been used to understand all of this, from Newton’s laws, through our understanding of light and matter, to Einstein’s theory of relativity, and from Galileo’s telescope to WMAP.