





Robotics Specialization/机器人 专项课程(详情
1、Robotics Aerial Robotics/机器人:空中机器人(详情
2、Robotics:Computational Motion Planning/机器人:计算运动规划(详情
5、Robotics:Estimation and Learning/机器人:评价与学习(详情

Machine Learning Specialization/机器学习 专项课程(详情
2、Machine Learning: Regression/回归分析(详情
3、Machine Learning: Classification/分类(详情
4、Machine Learning: Clustering & Retrieval/聚类与检索(详情

Deep Learning Specialization/深度学习专项课程(详情
1、Neural Networks and Deep Learning/神经网络与深度学习(详情
2、Improving Deep Neural Networks Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization(详情
3、Structuring Machine Learning Projects(详情
4、Convolutional Neural Networks(详情
5、Sequence Models(详情

Mathematics for Machine Learning Specialization/数学在机器学习领域的应用 专项课程(详情
1、Mathematics for Machine Learning:Linear Algebra(详情
2、Mathematics for Machine Learning:Multivariate Calculus(详情
3、Mathematics for Machine Learning:PCA(详情

Recommender Systems Specialization/推荐系统 专项课程(详情
1、Introduction to Recommender Systems(详情
2、Nearest Neighbor Collaborative Filtering(详情
3、Recommender Systems:Evaluation and Metrics(详情
4、Matrix Factorization and Advanced Techniques(详情

Advanced Machine Learning Specialization/高级机器学习 专项课程(详情
1、Introduction to Deep Learning(详情
2、How to Win a Data Science Competition:Learn from Top Kagglers(详情
3、Bayesian Methods for Machine Learning(详情
4、Practical Reinforcement Learning(详情
5、Deep Learning in Computer Vision(详情
6、Natural Language Processing/自然语言处理(详情
7、Addressing Large Hadron Collider Challenges by Machine Learning(详情

Machine Learning and Reinforcement Learning in Finance Specialization/ 专项课程(详情
1、Guided Tour of Machine Learning in Finance(详情
2、Fundamentals of Machine Learning in Finance(详情
3、Reinforcement Learning in Finance(详情
4、Overview of Advanced Methods of Reinforcement Learning in Finance(详情

Advanced Data Science with IBM Specialization/ 专项课程(详情
1、Fundamentals of Scalable Data Science(详情
2、Advanced Machine Learning and Signal Processing(详情
3、Applied AI with DeepLearning(详情
4、Advanced Data Science Capstone(详情

Machine Learning with TensorFlow on Google Cloud Platform Specialization/ 专项课程(详情
1、How Google does Machine Learning(详情
2、Launching into Machine Learning(详情
3、Intro to TensorFlow(详情
4、Feature Engineering/特色工程(详情
5、Art and Science of Machine Learning(详情

Advanced Machine Learning with TensorFlow on Google Cloud Platform Specialization/ 专项课程(详情
1、End-to-End Machine Learning with TensorFlow on GCP(详情
2、Production Machine Learning Systems(详情
3、Image Understanding with TensorFlow on GCP(详情
4、Sequence Models for Time Series and Natural Language Processing(详情
5、Recommendation Systems with TensorFlow on GCP(详情

TensorFlow in Practice Specialization/ 专项课程(详情
1、Introduction to TensorFlow for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning(详情
2、Convolutional Neural Networks in TensorFlow(详情
3、Natural Language Processing in TensorFlow(详情
4、Sequences, Time Series and Prediction(详情

Machine Learning: Algorithms in the Real World Specialization/ 专项课程(详情
1、Introduction to Applied Machine Learning(详情
2、Machine Learning Algorithms: Supervised Learning Tip to Tail(详情
3、Data for Machine Learning(详情
4、Optimizing Machine Learning Model Performance(详情

Reinforcement Learning Specialization/ 强化学习 专项课程(详情
1、Fundamentals of Reinforcement Learning(详情
2、Sample-based Learning Methods(详情
3、Prediction and Control with Function Approximation(详情
4、A Complete Reinforcement Learning System (Capstone)(详情

IBM AI Engineering Professional Certificate/专业证书(详情
1、Machine Learning with Python/使用 Python 进行机器学习(详情
2、Scalable Machine Learning on Big Data using Apache Spark(详情
3、Introduction to Deep Learning & Neural Networks with Keras(详情
4、Deep Neural Networks with PyTorch(详情
5、Building Deep Learning Models with TensorFlow(详情
6、AI Capstone Project with Deep Learning(详情

Natural Language Processing Specialization/自然语言处理 专项课程详情
1、Natural Language Processing with Classification and Vector Spaces(详情
2、Natural Language Processing with Probabilistic Models(详情
3、Natural Language Processing with Sequence Models(详情
4、Natural Language Processing with Attention Models(详情

Machine Learning for Trading Specialization/专项课程详情
1、Introduction to Trading, Machine Learning & GCP(详情
2、Using Machine Learning in Trading and Finance(详情
3、Reinforcement Learning for Trading Strategies(详情

Advanced Data Science with IBM Specialization/专项课程详情
1、Fundamentals of Scalable Data Science(详情
2、Advanced Machine Learning and Signal Processing(详情
3、Applied AI with DeepLearning(详情
4、Advanced Data Science Capstone(详情

AI in Healthcare Specialization/专项课程详情
1、Introduction to Healthcare(详情
2、Introduction to Clinical Data(详情
3、Fundamentals of Machine Learning for Healthcare(详情
4、Evaluations of AI Applications in Healthcare(详情

AI for Medicine Specialization/专项课程详情
1、AI for Medical Diagnosis(详情
2、AI for Medical Prognosis(详情
3、AI For Medical Treatment(详情

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) Specialization/专项课程详情
1、Build Basic Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)(详情
2、Build Better Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)(详情
3、Apply Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)(详情


  • 機器學習基石上 (Machine Learning Foundations)—Mathematical Foundations(详情
  • 機器學習基石下 (Machine Learning Foundations)—Algorithmic Foundations(详情
  • Introduction to Recommender Systems 2016 推荐系统导论(2016版(详情
  • 机器学习 Machine Learning /2018版 Andrew Ng(详情
  • Neural Networks for Machine Learning/面向机器学习的神经网络(详情
  • Computational Neuroscience 计算神经科学(详情
  • Natural Language Processing 自然语言处理(详情
  • Control of Mobile Robots/移动机器人的控制(详情
  • Artificial Intelligence Planning/人工智能规划(详情
  • The Unix Workbench(详情
  • Introduction to Machine Learning(详情
  • Machine Learning for All(详情
  • Foundations of Data Science: K-Means Clustering in Python(详情
  • Code Free Data Science(详情
  • Machine Learning for Business Professionals(详情
  • 人工智慧:機器學習與理論基礎 (Artificial Intelligence – Learning & Theory)(详情



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    Lucy4年前 (2020-06-15)